Gutter Replacement: How Often Should You Invest in One?

The gutters may play the Robin to the roofing’s Batman, but they contribute greatly in keeping your home safe and intact from water damage. You’ll need to have them replaced at some point in the future, but how often should you actually invest in a gutter replacement? Ken Morton & Sons LLC, the GAF® Master Elite® roofer in the area, shares what you need to know.

The Short Answer? It Depends 

How well your gutter system ages (and how fast it deteriorates) will depend on a number of important factors, which include:

Aside from siding repair, Ken Morton & Sons LLC can also handle your gutter installation, repair, and cleaning needs. Expect only the best results when you work with us. We serve the areas in and around Woodstown, NJ. Call us today at (856) 582-8800 or fill out this contact form to schedule your roof evaluation.