3 Ways You Can Reduce Fire Risks for Your Roof

Your roof is one of the most important parts of your home which works tirelessly to keep us safe from the elements – fires included. However, your roof itself, no matter how durable it is, is not completely invulnerable to fires. To minimize the risk of your roof catching fire, here are a few measures that you can take according to trusted roofing and siding contractors from Sewell, NJ.

1. Only Use High-Quality Materials

Your roof is not something that you should ever skimp on. When shopping around for roofing materials, make sure you avoid products that are unrated. While unrated roofing products are a lot cheaper, they are often the least fire-resistant. Instead, invest in quality roofing materials that have a Class A fire rating. 

2. Fix Problems as Soon as You Discover Them

Holding off on roof repairs can put your roof at risk of fire damage. For instance, missing shingles or flashing can expose the inner structures of your roof that have no fire-resistant qualities. For this reason, you should always schedule roof inspections and have your roof repaired as soon as you discover any issues.

3. Always Keep Your Roof Clean

Even fire-resistant roofing materials can catch fire if the debris that builds up on top of them ignites due to extreme temperatures. Cleaning your roof not only makes it appear more beautiful, but it can also reduce the risk of it catching fire. 

Instead of typing in a generic search term like “roofers near me”, give trusted roofing company Ken Morton & Sons a call at (856) 582-8800. Alternatively, you can fill out our contact form to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our experts today. Since 1985, we have been faithfully serving the homeowners in Sewall, NJ, as well as its surrounding areas.