3 Asphalt Shingle Maintenance Mistakes You Should Avoid

Giving your asphalt shingle roof the TLC it deserves is key to making it last a long time. However, you may be inadvertently making maintenance mistakes that are actually shortening its lifespan. In today’s post, the trusted roofing and siding repair experts over at Ken Morton & Sons shares three common asphalt shingle maintenance mistakes that you should definitely avoid. 

1. Not Treading Carefully on Your Roof

When giving your roof a thorough visual inspection, it is unavoidable that you walk across it. If you have to check out your roof, make sure that you walk as lightly as possible. Excess weight and pressure on your asphalt shingles can bruise them and cause the protected granules to come off.

2. Ignoring Your Gutters

Along with your roof, your gutters play an important role in diverting rainwater safely away from your home. Even if you keep your roof in excellent condition, clogs in your gutters can cause water to back up and damage the edges of your roof. For this reason, most roofing contractors recommend that you give your gutters as much attention as you would your roof. 

3. Not Keeping Your Attic Properly Ventilated 

Your attic plays an important role in the overall health of your roof. If it is not properly ventilated, excess heat and moisture can build up allowing mold and mildew to develop in the important structural components of your roof. Trapped heat in your attic can also bake the asphalt shingles overhead, causing them to crack and blister. 

Looking for a GAF Master Elite Roofer in Woodstown, NJ? Then look no further than Ken Morton & Sons. For over 30 years, we have been providing New Jersey homeowners with quality roofing services that are second to none. To schedule your free consultation, please give us a call at (856) 582-8800. Alternatively, you can fill out our contact form to request a free quotation today.