Easy-To-Miss Indicators of Roof Damage

It might not be at the top of your mind as you go about your day, but neglecting your roof can result in costly problems. You might be surprised at how easy it is to miss some signs of roof damage. In this blog, Ken Morton & Sons LLC, your trusted local roofing company, lists the signs that can often go undetected.

1. Dark Streaks and Stains

Dark streaks and stains on your roof are not just a cosmetic issue. These unsightly blemishes can indicate the presence of algae, mold or fungi, which can cause your roof materials to deteriorate rapidly. If left unchecked, this can lead to more severe issues like leaks and structural damage.

2. Granules in Gutters

Check your gutters regularly for the presence of granules or small bits of shingles. As roof shingles age, they tend to shed granules, which eventually end up in gutters. A significant increase in granule loss may indicate that your shingles are nearing the end of their lifespan and need replacement.

3. Damaged Flashing

Flashing protects the seams and joints of your roof, especially around chimneys, vents and skylights. Damaged, loose or missing flashing can be hard to spot from the ground, leading to water infiltration and damage to the roof structure. Make a point to inspect your roof flashing from a safe vantage point or hire a professional roofing contractor.

4. Curling or Cupping Shingles

Shingles that are curling or cupping at the edges may not be immediately visible from the ground. However, these subtle deformations can lead to water seepage and damage your roof’s underlayment. If you see shingles in this condition, it’s a sign that your roof may need repair or replacement.

5. Sagging Areas

Sagging areas on your roof are often a result of water damage or structural issues. If you notice any sagging, even small and subtle areas. A sagging roof is a severe safety hazard and fixing it quickly can save you from further costly damage.

6. Interior Water Damage

Brown or yellow stains on your ceiling or walls can indicate a problem with your roof. Slow leaks might not be apparent immediately, but they can cause gradual damage to your home’s interior. If you notice any unexplained discoloration or dripping from your ceiling, it’s essential to investigate your roof as the possible source.

Let Us Keep Your Roof in Peak Condition

Being proactive about roof maintenance and watching for these easy-to-miss signs can ensure your roof remains in excellent condition. Professional roofers can thoroughly inspect your roof, help identify these issues early on, address any concerns and save you from costly repairs.

If you’re unsure about the state of your roof, get in touch with Ken Morton & Sons LLC by calling (856) 582-8800 or filling out our online form. We also offer siding replacement services. Let’s ensure your home is as safe and secure as possible. We serve clients in Pitman, NJ, and the surrounding communities.