Reasons To Replace Your Roof This Spring

Most people would prefer to have roof replacement done during the summer season, mostly because of the favorable weather. However, spring offers certain advantages that you should consider if you’re looking into getting a new roof this year. In today’s post, local roofing company Ken Morton & Sons LLC shares the reasons why you should have your roof replaced this season.

It’s Less Busy

One of the disadvantages of summer roof replacement is contractors tend to be fully booked during this time. This means there would be less slack in case the project gets delayed. You’d also be less likely to get the contractor that you want, and you’d be less likely to get the most convenient installation date. Roofing contractors accept bookings as early as the first week of spring, which lets you avoid the peak season and provides a better selection of contractors and dates.

The Weather Is Milder

Summer temperatures are ideal for roof installation because it’s less likely to rain, and certain types of roofing adhesives cure faster when it’s hot. While spring has relatively milder temperatures, it would not affect roof installation at all. Asphalt shingle roof adhesives require a minimum of 45 degrees — well below the average spring temperature in New Jersey — to cure properly. Spring weather also wouldn’t be as taxing on installers as the summer heat, which means less frequent breaks and faster completion.

Your Home Would Be Summer-Ready

Summer is a great time for family activities, from backyard barbecues and road trips with the family to just chilling indoors. Getting your new roof installed in the spring season means you won’t have to worry about it getting in the way of your planned activities. If you usually host gatherings for friends and family, your new roof would definitely be a conversation starter. Or, if you decide to just stay indoors and enjoy the cool air, a new, energy-efficient roof can help you save on your energy bills.

Ready to replace your roof this spring? Give Ken Morton & Sons LLC a call at (856) 582-8800, or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation. We serve Pitman, NJ, and the surrounding communities.