Signs of Damaged Roof Deck and Why You Should Replace It

Your roof deck, also known as sheathing, is one of the most important components of your roof. It links everything in your roofing structure. That’s why it’s best to keep your roof deck in good condition. A damaged roof decking could only compromise the integrity of your roof. In this post, the reliable local roofing company Ken Morton & Sons discusses signs of roof decking damage.

Signs of a Damaged Roof Deck

Your home’s roof decking is situated above your rafters. It’s usually built using OSB or plywood. You should be mindful of your roof decking, just below the felt underlayment beneath your shingles. Keep an eye out for these signs of damage:

Common Issues Caused by a Damaged Roof Deck

If your roof deck is showing more than a few signs of damage, start by listing your prospective roofers. A professional roofer should replace your damaged roof deck immediately. If not, it will only cause further damage. Here are issues that are caused by a damaged roof deck:

Hire a Trusted Professional

You should hire a professional roofer to replace your damaged roof decking. Repairing it is not enough to preserve the integrity of your roofing system. Especially DIY repairs that are risky and not cost-effective. A damaged roof deck could only cause more issues in your home. Replacing your roof deck is your best choice. Make sure to hire a licensed and insured roofer.

Do you need a roof and siding replacement? Trust us at Ken Morton & Sons. Call us at (856) 582-8800 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We proudly serve clients in Pitman, NJ.