Taking Note of the Signs of Incorrect Roof Installation

Many reputable roofers work hard to ensure proper roof installations. At Ken Morton & Sons LLC, we pride ourselves on superior workmanship and excellent use of roofing products. After all, we are a GAF Master Elite® roofing contractor, which is proof of our commitment to deliver only top-notch services to our clients.

Other roofers, however, do a rushed job that results in numerous future problems and can even damage your home’s entire structure. When you work with us, you can be sure you won’t encounter the following signs of incorrect roof installations.

Failure to Follow Critical Installation Steps

One of the common problems with installing a new roof involves roofers not being able to follow crucial steps, or even missing them completely. It only takes a thorough inspection of your current roof to determine such issues.

For one, it is possible that the previous roofer failed to properly nail the shingles. Apart from those that weren’t driven properly, there are also instances in which the nails used are fewer than what is recommended throughout the project. Shingle blow-offs may occur as a result.

An experienced local roofing company like ours makes sure our roof installation procedures are up to high-quality standards. As a GAF Master Elite roofer, we install GAF’s Lifetime Roofing System, which has the right set of components to enable your roof to perform its best during times of inclement weather.

Noticeable Roof Damage

Another way to determine if your roof was incorrectly installed is to check for damage. Inspect the roof for tar footprints on the shingles. Not only do they detract from your home’s curb appeal, but they also indicate a rushed roofing job.

Also, when the indoors suddenly become too uncomfortable that you rely on your HVAC system more, it means your roof doesn’t ventilate well. Lack of ventilation causes excessive heat and moisture buildup, leading to shingle cracks, rot, and early roof failure.

Turn to Ken Morton & Sons LLC when the time comes your roof reaches the end of its service life. We can provide you with excellent workmanship, helping you enjoy the benefits of a new roof without the worry of premature failure. Apart from our roofing services, we also offer siding replacement and gutter repair.

Give us a call at (856) 582-8800 or fill out our contact form for a free, no-obligation quote. We serve Pitman, NJ residents.